Claude Pepper Civil Rights Exhibits
On exhibit this Fall at the <Museum of Florida History> is a collection of papers and memorabilia
depicting the work of former local congressman Claude Pepper on the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Feel free to check out the <Claude Pepper Library> (on Call Street) for collections that highlight other political activities over his whole career.
"Engaging Conversation(s): What Faculty and Students Say about 'Good' Writing across Texts and Contexts--Disciplinary, Linguistic, Local, and Global"
All are welcome at an open guest lecture by Terry Myers Zawacki, professor emerita at George Mason University, where she directed the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program and the University Writing Center. Dr. Zawacki will draw on her research with faculty and English first- and second-language learners as they negotiate the meaning of and expectations for "good" writing across texts and rhetorical contexts. Thursday 10/16, from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Williams "Common Room" (WMS 013, basement level).
Florida Elections
It is an <election year>, which provides plenty of opportunities for discursive observation and participation (i.e., participation through discourse). If you are eligible, remember to <vote>!
FSU Presidential Search Process
Interviews with eleven candidates for the position of 15th <
University President>
will be conducted at various times on Monday 9/8 and Tuesday 9/9 in the Augustus B. Turnbull III Conference Center, Room 108. Members of the FSU community are invited to sit in and observe. Finalists will be interviewed on campus 9/15-9/18, and campus feedback will be solicited on 9/19.
Kudzu Review Solicits Submissions
FSU's only undergraduate journal of literature and art is seeking submissions. See their <website> for more information!
kNOw More Campaign
A series of discussions during the Fall semester meant to start a conversation about sexual assault, violence, and prevention. They will be held in the Wellness Center Auditorium (HWC 2100). There are two dates left for the discussions: Thursday 10/16 and Wednesday 10/29 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend, listen in, voice concerns, ask questions, and learn about resources.
WFSU Radio "Labor Minutes"
Listen to Prof. Graban occasionally record 60-second spots that she writes or edits -- every
<Wednesday at 3:04 p.m.>!
With Words
Check out
<"With Words">, a museum-style exhibit hosted by FSU's Center for Leadership & Social Change intended to start--and foster--communication on difficult topics:
Monday 10/27 through Thursday 10/30 from
10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and
Friday 10/31 from
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. At the
Globe Auditorium. Topics change from year to year; this year, exhibits focus on immigration, racial profiling, HIV/AIDS awareness, and sexual violence.