Hello, Everyone:
In preparation for our first Case Study, I'd like you to browse the relevant materials in our Bb site ("Case Study #1," nested inside the folder entitled "Case Studies & Genres"). It is not necessary for you to read everything prior to class; however, I would like you to spend some time browsing Jonah Lehrer's old and new blogs -- the blog prior to 2014, and the one beginning March 2014 -- and make some observational notes about likenesses and differences. You do not have to read every single post on his blogs; I simply want you to read enough in order to be able to differentiate the blogs from one another.
Then, I would like you to select two (2) of the four (4) articles explaining different aspects of the Lehrer controversy and/or Lehrer's "journalistic misdeeds." Each of these four articles reflects a different public source. After reading your two articles, revisit your observational notes about Lehrer's blogs, and make note of any questions that are raised for you, as a reader or an observer of mediated discourse.
Come ready to share your notes with the class on Thursday.
Looking forward to it,
-Prof. Graban